Quick Tutorial

Read a book

Use it with a context manager:

from libacbf import ACBFBook

with ACBFBook("path/to/book.cbz") as book:
    # Read English title of book
    title = book.book_info.book_titles["en"]

Alternatively just open and close it:

from libacbf import ACBFBook

book = ACBFBook("path/to/book.cbz")
# Read English title of book
title = book.book_info.book_titles["en"]

You can read plain .acbf XML formatted files, Zip archives, 7Zip archives, Tar archives or RAR archives.


It is recommended that you skim through the API Reference at least once. Specifically ACBFBook, Book Info, Publisher Info and Document Info to see all the metadata you can read.

book.book_info  # Read metadata from the book info section
book.publish_info  # Read metadata from the publisher info section
book.document_info  # Read metadata from the document info section


(Read ACBFBody in the API Reference)

It contains a list of pages that you can read info from.

for page in book.body.pages:
    page  # A page object with information
    page.image  # Get the image data from its source.


(Read ACBFData in the API Reference)

Files can be embedded within the plain XML book. You can use this to list and read the embedded data.



(Read Styles in the API Reference)

Stylesheets can be used with an ACBF formatted book. Styles can be embedded in a style tag, in the data section or be a reference to another file either in an archive or a path on disk.


Edit/Create Books

(See ACBFBook for detailed information)

You can use different modes to open books.

from libacbf import ACBFBook

# Edit an existing file.
with ACBFBook("path/to/book.cbz", 'a') as book:
    # Edit the English title of the book
    book.book_info_book_titles["en"] = "New title"

You can create new files with other modes. 'w' will create a new file at the given path. If a file already exists it will be overwritten so be careful. 'x' will also create a new file but raises FileExistsError if a file already exists.

from libacbf import ACBFBook

# Creates a new book. Overwrites if a file already exists.
with ACBFBook("path/to/file.cbz", 'w') as book:
    # Set the English title of the new book
    book.book_info.book_titles["en"] = "Newly created book"

# Creates a new book. Raises an exception if a file already exists.
with ACBFBook("path/to/file.cbz", 'x') as book:
    # Set the English title of the new book
    book.book_info.book_titles["en"] = "Newly created book"

By default, the book will be a Zip archive. You can override this with the nullable archive_type parameter. Accepted values can be found in the API Reference. This parameter is ignored when using 'r' or 'a' mode.

Passing None creates a plain text XML formatted book. You can convert it to an archive later if you want using ACBFBook.make_archive(...). You cannot create Rar archived books.


You will lose information like compression level etc. when you edit and/or create a book as it re-archives the book using the default values for each archive type. Information on how to avoid this is available further below.

from libacbf import ACBFBook

# Creates a Zip archived book
with ACBFBook("path/to/file.cbz", 'w', archive_type="Zip") as book:
    book.book_info.book_titles["en"] = "CBZ book"

# Creates a 7Zip archived book
with ACBFBook("path/to/file.cb7", 'w', archive_type="SevenZip") as book:
    book.book_info.book_titles["en"] = "CB7 book"

# Creates a Tar archived book
with ACBFBook("path/to/file.cbt", 'w', archive_type="Tar") as book:
    book.book_info.book_titles["en"] = "CBT book"

# Creates a plain XML book
with ACBFBook("path/to/file.acbf", 'w', archive_type=None) as book:
    book.book_info.book_titles["en"] = "ACBF book"

    # This can be converted to an archive later
    # An exception is raised if the book is already an archive

    # Convert to CBZ
    -- OR --

    # Convert to CB7

    # Convert to CBT

Edit Book Data

ACBFBook.book_info.genres is a dictionary with keys being enum values. You can edit it by doing this:

from libacbf import ACBFBook
from libacbf.constants import Genres

with ACBFBook("path/to/file.cbz", 'a') as book:
    # Get the match value of the genre if it exists
    match = book.book_info.genres[Genres.other]

    # Add a new genre if it doesn't already exist and set no match value
    book.book_info.genres[Genres.humor] = None

    # Add a genre and set its match value to 90%
    book.book_info.genres[Genres.manga] = 90

Or you could do this:

from libacbf import ACBFBook

with ACBFBook("path/to/file.cbz", 'w') as book:
    # Get the match value of the genre if it exists
    match = book.book_info.get_genre_match("other")

    # Add a new genre if it doesn't already exist and set no match value

    # Add a genre and set its match value to 90%
    book.book_info.edit_genre("manga", 90)

Similarly you can add an author object to ACBFBook.document_info.authors.

Importing Author:

from libacbf import ACBFBook
from libacbf.metadata import Author

with ACBFBook("path/to/file.cbz", 'w') as book:
    book.document_info.authors.append( Author("Nickname") )


from libacbf import ACBFBook

with ACBFBook("path/to/file.cbz", 'w') as book:

There are many functions available that simplify editing, allowing you to edit information without having to import additional classes.

Adding Pages

Adding pages may take one or two steps.

First let’s append a page to the book.

from libacbf import ACBFBook

with ACBFBook("path/to/file.cbz", 'w') as book:

The page is now referencing an image relative to the root of the Zip archive. If the archive already has this image then you’re done. If it doesn’t, you have to write it to the archive.

# ... continued

This will write the image stored on disk into the archive with the path "page1.png" relative to the root of the archive. There is more information on what you can do with this function in the API reference.

How to avoid losing the original compression of an archive

Regardless of whether you open a book in 'w', 'a' or 'x' mode, it is saved with the default options of its archive type. So for example, if your CBZ book uses ZIP_DEFLATE compression, opening it will extract and re-archive it as ZIP_STORED because that is the default. Books opened with 'r' do not affect the original file in any way.

To get around this, you can manage the archive manually. Image references in pages are relative to the root of the archive and the .acbf file must also be at the root of the archive. If you extract the contents of the archive to a directory, the image references will be relative to the ACBF file and it will still retrieve the correct image. You can then edit the book as usual. The only difference would be that writing a file to the archive means copying the file into the extracted directory.

After you’re done you can archive the contents of the directory with the settings you want and read the archived book normally.