Source code for libacbf.constants


The values of the enum members don't matter and there is no guarantee that they will never change. If you have to use
it, use strings instead (case sensitive). ::

    activity =

    # Check if value exists
    _ = AuthorActivities["Writer"]  # No `KeyError` exception
    _ = AuthorActivities["asdfgh"]  # `KeyError` exception is raised
from enum import Enum, auto

[docs]class AuthorActivities(Enum): """List of accepted values for :attr:`Author.activity <libacbf.metadata.Author.activity>`. """ Writer = 0 Adapter = auto() Artist = auto() Penciller = auto() Inker = auto() Colorist = auto() Letterer = auto() CoverArtist = auto() Photographer = auto() Editor = auto() AssistantEditor = auto() Translator = auto() Other = auto()
[docs]class Genres(Enum): """List of accepted values for keys of :attr:`book_info.genres <libacbf.libacbf.BookInfo.genres>`. """ adult = 0 adventure = auto() alternative = auto() biography = auto() caricature = auto() children = auto() computer = auto() crime = auto() education = auto() fantasy = auto() history = auto() horror = auto() humor = auto() manga = auto() military = auto() mystery = auto() non_fiction = auto() politics = auto() real_life = auto() religion = auto() romance = auto() science_fiction = auto() sports = auto() superhero = auto() western = auto() other = auto()
[docs]class TextAreas(Enum): """Types of text areas. Used by :attr:`TextArea.type <libacbf.body.TextArea.type>`. """ speech = 0 commentary = auto() formal = auto() letter = auto() code = auto() heading = auto() audio = auto() thought = auto() sign = auto()
[docs]class PageTransitions(Enum): """Allowed values for :attr:`Page.transition <libacbf.body.Page.transition>`. """ fade = 0 blend = auto() scroll_right = auto() scroll_down = auto() none = auto()
[docs]class ImageRefType(Enum): """Types of image references. Used by :attr:`Page.ref_type <libacbf.body.Page.ref_type>`. """ Embedded = 0 SelfArchived = auto() Archived = auto() Local = auto() URL = auto()
[docs]class ArchiveTypes(Enum): """The type of the source archive file. Used by :attr:`ArchiveReader.type <libacbf.archivereader.ArchiveReader.type>`. """ Zip = 0 SevenZip = auto() Tar = auto() Rar = auto()