Source code for libacbf.metadata

from __future__ import annotations

import langcodes
from typing import Optional, Union

import libacbf.constants as constants

[docs]class Author: """Defines an author of the comic book. An author must at least have a nickname not be ``None`` or have both first name and last name not be ``None``. See Also -------- `Author specifications <>`_. Examples -------- An ``Author`` object can be created with either a nickname, a first and last name or both. :: from libacbf import ACBFBook with ACBFBook("path/to/book.cbz", 'w') as book: au = Author("Hugh", "Mann") # au.first_name == "Hugh" # au.last_name == "Mann" au = Author("NotAPlatypus") # au.nickname == "NotAPlatypus" au = Author("Hugh", "Mann", "NotAPlatypus") # au.first_name == "Hugh" # au.last_name == "Mann" # au.nickname == "NotAPlatypus" This is also possible. :: au = Author(first_name="Hugh", last_name="Mann", nickname="NotAPlatypus") Attributes ---------- first_name : str Author's first name. last_name : str Author's last name. nickname : str Author's nickname. middle_name : str, optional Author's middle name. home_page : str, optional Author's website. email : str, optional Author's email address. """ def __init__(self, *names: str, first_name=None, last_name=None, nickname=None): self._first_name: Optional[str] = None self._last_name: Optional[str] = None self._nickname: Optional[str] = None if len(names) == 1: nickname = names[0] elif len(names) == 2: first_name = names[0] last_name = names[1] elif len(names) >= 3: first_name = names[0] last_name = names[1] nickname = names[2] if (first_name is not None and last_name is not None) or nickname is not None: self._first_name: Optional[str] = first_name self._last_name: Optional[str] = last_name self._nickname: Optional[str] = nickname else: raise ValueError("Author must have either First Name and Last Name or Nickname.") self._activity: Optional[constants.AuthorActivities] = None self._lang: Optional[str] = None self.middle_name: Optional[str] = None self.home_page: Optional[str] = None Optional[str] = None def __repr__(self): return f'<libacbf.metadata.Author first_name="{self.first_name}" ' \ f'last_name="{self.last_name}" nickname="{self.nickname}">' @property def first_name(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._first_name @first_name.setter def first_name(self, val: Optional[str]): if val is not None: self._first_name = val elif self.nickname is not None: self._first_name = val else: raise ValueError("Author must have either First Name and Last Name or Nickname.") @property def last_name(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._last_name @last_name.setter def last_name(self, val: Optional[str]): if val is not None: self._last_name = val elif self.nickname is not None: self._last_name = val else: raise ValueError("Author must have either First Name and Last Name or Nickname.") @property def nickname(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._nickname @nickname.setter def nickname(self, val: Optional[str]): if val is None and self.first_name is None: raise ValueError("Author must have either First Name and Last Name or Nickname.") self._nickname = val @property def activity(self) -> Optional[constants.AuthorActivities]: """Defines the activity that a particular author carried out on the comic book. Allowed values are defined in :class:`AuthorActivities <libacbf.constants.AuthorActivities>`. Returns ------- AuthorActivities(Enum) | None A value from :class:`AuthorActivities <libacbf.constants.AuthorActivities>` enum or ``None`` if not defined. """ return self._activity @activity.setter def activity(self, val: Optional[Union[str, constants.AuthorActivities]]): if isinstance(val, str): val = constants.AuthorActivities[val] self._activity = val @property def lang(self) -> Optional[str]: """Defines the language that the author worked in. Returns ------- str | None Returns a standard language code or ``None`` if not defined. """ return self._lang @lang.setter def lang(self, val: Optional[str]): if val is not None: val = langcodes.standardize_tag(val) self._lang = val
[docs] def copy(self): """Returns a copy of this object. """ copy = Author(self.first_name, self.last_name, self.nickname) copy.activity = self.activity copy.lang = self.lang copy.middle_name = self.middle_name copy.home_page = self.home_page = return copy
[docs]class LanguageLayer: """Used by :attr:`ACBFBook.book_info.languages <libacbf.libacbf.BookInfo.languages>`. See Also -------- `Book Info Languages specifications <>`_. Attributes ---------- lang : str Language of the layer as a standard language code. show : bool Whether the layer is drawn. """ def __init__(self, lang: str, show: bool): self.lang: str = lang bool = show def __repr__(self): return f'<libacbf.metadata.LanguageLayer lang="{self.lang}" show="{}">' @property def lang(self): return self._lang @lang.setter def lang(self, val: str): self._lang = langcodes.standardize_tag(val)
[docs]class Series: """Used by :attr:`ACBFBook.book_info.series <libacbf.libacbf.BookInfo.series>`. See Also -------- `Book Info Sequence specifications <>`_. Attributes ---------- sequence : str The book's position/entry in the series. volume : str, optional The volume that the book belongs to. """ def __init__(self, sequence: str, volume: Optional[str] = None): self.sequence: str = sequence self.volume: Optional[str] = volume def __repr__(self): return f'<libacbf.metadata.Series sequence="{self.sequence}" volume="{self.volume}">'
[docs]class DBRef: """Used by :attr:`ACBFBook.book_info.database_ref <libacbf.libacbf.BookInfo.database_ref>`. See Also -------- `Book Info DatabaseRef specifications <>`_. Attributes ---------- dbname : str Name of the database. reference : str Reference of the book in the database. type : str, optional Type of the given reference such as URL, ID etc. """ def __init__(self, dbname: str, ref: str, type: Optional[str] = None): self.dbname: str = dbname self.reference: str = ref self.type: Optional[str] = type def __repr__(self): return f'<libacbf.metadata.DBRef dbname="{self.dbname}" reference="{self.reference}" type="{self.type}">'